Insights Monte Carlo: Keep Calm And Carry On AdvantageGo 1 Min Read 06.11.18 AdvantageGo Content Insights As the “new normal” soft market conditions persist, insurers and reinsurers are going to have to look at new ways of making their businesses more efficient in order to maintain profitability. When industry leaders sat down at the Monte Carlo Rendez-vous roundtable to discuss the state of the market, Hurricane Florence was brewing and Michael was mere weeks away. The panel debated the market’s coping mechanisms to navigate the stormy waters and covered: Technology’s ability to predict and prevent risk Underwriting discipline The changing nature of distribution The privatisation of risk, cyber and other emerging classes Are market leaders absolute masters of their own destinies? Mark Geoghegan Managing Director, The Insurance Insider, succinctly puts it, “you won’t read a truer reflection of the state of the market anywhere else.” Download your copy Thank you for downloading the report. An email with the report will be sent to you shortly. Alternatively you can simply view it online. Previous InsightNext Insight Knowledge hub Visit our knowledge hub to make informed decisions on your (re)insurance transformation. Visit knowledge hub Oops! There was an error with your request. Please refresh and try again. Sorry! There are no results that match your criteria.